I’m about half way through a head cold (hopefully). It started with the twinge in the back of the throat Tuesday morning. I used some of my 400+ hours of sick time yesterday, came home for some chicken soup (that someone else made for me) and had a nice nap. Boy was my head stuffed up when I got up! It’s been draining ever since. (Nice visual, huh? Maybe a little too much information?) I went into work today for a few hours to process some paperwork. I warned people by putting “Enter at your own risk” on the whiteboard at the entrance to my room. Very few people ventured past the candy bowl just inside the door.
Tomorrow we’re heading to the other side of town to visit with R, P’s brother and drop off early birthday greetings for Eric who turns 10 on Tuesday. Double Digits!!
R and Pat L. are going back to Virginia next month to attend a memorial service for her son, one of the Navy Seals who died in the helicopter crash in Afghanistan. P will be house sitting while they’re gone and more importantly, taking care of R’s dog, Hanna, a Bassett hound in its teens and set in her ways. P will be getting instruction on how to anticipate, interpret, and fulfill all Hanna’s needs and wants. This dog is not spoiled!
R is retired now and has just enough time on his hands to go fishing every once in while….
Here is his new boat for navigating the Willamette and the Columbia Rivers.

As you can clearly see, it is almost big enough.