He moved up wind of us and took off. He didn't try to climb up and over the bridge, instead flying under it before climbing and banking to the left. Pretty cool.
This guy started following us when he noticed us eating. He wouldn't get close enough to take anything out of our hands, but he was sure quick to get whatever we threw in the water.
P's oldest came by with the wife and son to wish her Happy Mothers Day earlier. They gave her a digital photo frame. It accepts digital camera memory cards and displays the photos as a slide show or, using the remote control, one at a time. It's pretty cool, actually! We were at the kitchen table trying it out, talking about anything and everything. I took a couple pictures to try out in the picture frame. You can see it here to the left on the kitchen table.
Before too long I felt this pressure on my streached out legs:
I guess he was bored with everyone sitting around talking, not paying any attention to him. Pretty soon he tried to work his mind tricks on me to get me up out of the chair and get him a treat: