Lets hear it for the Packers!
It looked like they were having fun, playing in the snow.
Now, are they going to beat New York or Dallas for a chance to play New England in the Superbowl?
We are heading into a stretch of days were it isn't suppose to rain every day. Maybe the back yard will dry out some. You can clearly see the path the dogs take across the family room and up the stairs when they come in from outside. It wasn't too big of a problem with just Bailey, he doesn't like to get his feet dirty. Not so with Shakespeare. It doesn't matter what its like, grass, dirt, mud, puddles, he goes running straight through it. We have very clear evidence of how high he can put his paws.

Washing walls is becomming a regular task now, just like vacuuming.
Who Me?
I go to the dentist Wednesday to get one of my back teeth prepared for a crown. First major dental work in a long long time, maybe twenty years or so. I've been lucky I guess. The dentist always attributes it to the hard water and floride when I was growing up in the Mid-West. Whatever it is, I'm glad. I just hope it will be another twenty years to the next time.