With the foliage finale comes the raking of the leaves. The price to be paid for all that nice shade during the hot parts of the summer.
R has been having some success fishing on the Columbia this past month. The run of Chinook salmon was very low this year but the Coho salmon have been returning in solid numbers.
That's a 20+ lb Coho salmon R caught a couple of weekends ago. Pretty nice!
R and Gabby were over yesterday to participate in and add to the general hullabaloo for Halloween. We didn't have a lot of tricker treaters but that may have been because of all the barking the dogs did each and every time the doorbell rang. We have a lot of candy left over. I'll take whatever is left on Monday morning into work. Let it fatten up everyone there. R brought his deep fryer too, last night, and his secret beer batter receipe. We had an excellent halibut fish & chips dinner. He says the leftovers are just as good. We'll be checking that out later today.
Granddaughter Tyfini started at EWU (Eastern Washington) this semester. Her mom is enjoying the peace and quiet and thinking that all that quiet and peacefulness may not be all it's cracked up to be. It's a bit of an adjustment going from a high school senior with all her friends to an empty house (nest?) with just the dogs to keep her company. Tyfini did come home for a Halloween party last weekend, but it is a 6 hour drive, a long drive for a short weekend.
Grandson Eric became a teenager last month. Need I say more?