Boy, what a difference a day makes. It was dry with lots of sunshine yesterday, temp just over 70 (for the first time this year). The sound of lawnmowers was everywhere during the day and the smell of bbqs wafted over the neighborhood in the early evening. I char'ed burgers for dinner. It was a nice day. This morning? We woke up to cool gray skies with sprinkles off and on throughout the day. They were 'on' during our walk this morning. It still smell like wet dog around here.
Ma Nature has been trying her darndest to spruce things up around here

The trees are just about to break out the leafs and of course there are plenty of dandelions to go around

My back is still sore from pulling weeds yesterday.
I've been plenty busy at work. I was a little concerned what I would be doing to fill my days once we finished the SSQA audit but it certainly hasn't been a problem. Lot's of changes to follow through on, details to take care of and problems to resolve. We had some excitement several weeks ago: a small roof fire caused by the afterburner on the new kiln. It turns out we have a wooden roof on the building! The heat insulators have been sufficient for all the others up until now. Unfortunately the fire started right at the roof, above the sprinkler system. It happened around 5 am. The fire was out and the fire trucks all gone by the time I got to work by 8. All the kilns got shut down when it happened, as you might expect. Luckily all but one were at a firing process stage where it didn't hurt to turn them off. Even still, it caused a glitch in the manufacturing pipeline that we've just about smoothed out. Lets put it this way: we were still able to meet revenue goals for the month and quarter. The wheels of commerce keep rolling on regardless of the difficulties.
T was over yesterday. She had some jeans to be altered. It was a good visit. Tyfini is ending up her time at U of Idaho this semester. She is still waiting to hear if she has been accepted into any of the programs she's applied to. Surprisingly (to us at least) there are a number of schools the offer dental hygienist programs around here. T is starting to get used to the idea that her daughter will be back home for more than a visit or school break. A reverse "empty nest"? The grandson has been busy with sports and church activities recently. No driving lessons from me lately. Ah, to be young and have that kind of energy... Heck! Just to have that kind of energy!