Monday, July 05, 2004

The Fifth of July

Sure, the Fourth is great, fireworks, cook outs, all the rest of the hoopla, but what the majority of Americans are REALLY looking forward to is the extra day off from work!
At least, that's the consensus around this household. And not just an extra day to do chores! I mean, a feet up, porch swing, lemonade sipping, watching the world go by relaxin' kind of a day.

Saturday was a full day for us. We drove to Salem with friends. Had lunch at a "Tea House", a bit of England transplanted in Oregon. Walked it off by browsing through some of the antique malls and shops. Lots of interesting junk. And every place had the same smell to it. Old stuff smell. After several hours of walking up and down all the aisles I found a Parker challenger fountain pen that looked like it belonged in my collection. A button filler. It doesn't have a clip and almost looks like it never did. Have to check into that. It's going to take some cleaning. I'll have to figure out how to include pictures in this blog now to show you what it looks like.

Lets see if this works....

Parker Challenger 

Cool! Watch out, I'm dangerous now!!

The obligatory nib close up. More fine than medium. 

More dangerous than you could ever imagine......

Some front porch flowers! 

Threw that last one in just because I could. I've been practicing my picture taking technique on anything that will hold still. It took me a while, some explaining from P and a bit of the Users Manual to figure out how to get a half-way decent closeup.

Ok, one blogger trick/technique down..... Many to go!

Once I made my purchase the wind seemed to go out of everyone's sails. Tired, but not quite cranky, we made the long walk back to the cars. Sure didn't seem that long going the other way! We stopped a Wal-Mart on the way back to town. This is one of their SuperStores with the grocery store too. We wandered around for a while trying to remember what was on our list and looking for anything we simply could not live without. Must have been an off day for us.... We got out of there for under $100. From there it was back home to sit back, take the shoes off and put the feet up. Whew! It took a while to catch my second wind. I had one more job for the day: mow the lawns. A job that should have been done last Tuesday. It was so long (how long was it?) that it was tickling the dogs whizzer when he ventured across the back lawn. After cleaning up the lawn mower and then myself, I was pooped! A long, busy day but I got it all out of the way. It's celebrating and relaxing for the rest of the weekend. The weather has been very nice as of late. Lots of sunshine. Our tomato plants have responded nicely:

The tomato plants 

They were planted too close together. But they are all doing quite well now. Almost too well. We are going to have a LOT of tomatoes in three or four weeks.

Some beefsteaks 

And the first roma 

There will be plenty for lots of Bloody Marys!

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