Wednesday, October 27, 2004

I've Voted Already!!!!!

Oregon is a mail-in voting state. All registered voters get their ballots several weeks before the election date. You can vote in the security of your own home, with all the information you want available at your finger tips. In the past, the paper would print a sample ballot several days beforehand so that people could make their decisions, note them on the sample ballot and then take the sample ballot to the polling place to jog their memory when they actually voted. Both P and I have voted. Done our civic duty. Participated in democracy. And it's a very good way to cut off the pollers and campaigners who call several times a night. They are too late! We've already voted!!! Now, if that would only work for the political commercials on TV.....

It's not enough that the full moon occurs tomorrow. We're having a lunar eclipse too. That will really bring out the crazys. And this close to Halloween.... Life is strange enough already. Doesn't need any help.

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