About five days ago we had an artic cold front settle down over us. It pushed a moist warm front out of the way causing a little snow. Fortunately it all melted the first day and we've had dry roads and frigid temperatures since then (for here at least, dipping into the low teens and high single digits in the wee hours of the morning). We've been waiting for a warm front to blow in off the Pacific and move the cold front east, where there are people use to and ready for those kinds of temperatures. It appeared that that was going to happen last night. The weather people weren't sure exactly what would happen as one front pushed the other out: from cloudy skies to 3 inches of snow. It had already snowed a good half an inch and still snowing when I went out to get the paper out of the drive way at 6 am. Need I say here how glad I am
not to be delivering papers anymore? I think that is well understood by now... It took me 45 minutes to make it to work as I had to go a bit out of my way for a route that didn't involve an slope greater than 15 degrees. Lots of cars in the ditch and minor fenderbenders along the way. I made it to work no problem. A little late, but no problem. People straggled in as they could, the rest calling in saying it just wasn't worth it. The boss made it in about 10, stayed for a couple of hours to see who made it in and make sure the hottest fires were being doused. Our fiscal first quarter ends in a couple of weeks, not an ideal time for a snow day. But to his credit, the boss did say as he left just after noon that everyone should leave by 2 to make sure they get home before dark.
I took a couple of pictures around work with my phone to show you what it normally doesn't look like

No lunch on the patio today!

The poor rhodies.... and the cars of the hardy souls that did make it in to work!

Who knew that the sidewalks were that wide?
Now it turns out the warm front isn't strong enough to push the cold front all the way off of us. The sub freezing temperatures will stick around until the weekend is the best guess. There may even be some more precipitation tomorrow morning! Doesn't sound promising.
In the mean time we are full, warm and well lubricated. What more could you ask for?
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