Sunday, December 21, 2008
Welcome to Winter 2008!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
With the foliage finale comes the raking of the leaves. The price to be paid for all that nice shade during the hot parts of the summer.
R has been having some success fishing on the Columbia this past month. The run of Chinook salmon was very low this year but the Coho salmon have been returning in solid numbers.
That's a 20+ lb Coho salmon R caught a couple of weekends ago. Pretty nice!
R and Gabby were over yesterday to participate in and add to the general hullabaloo for Halloween. We didn't have a lot of tricker treaters but that may have been because of all the barking the dogs did each and every time the doorbell rang. We have a lot of candy left over. I'll take whatever is left on Monday morning into work. Let it fatten up everyone there. R brought his deep fryer too, last night, and his secret beer batter receipe. We had an excellent halibut fish & chips dinner. He says the leftovers are just as good. We'll be checking that out later today.
Granddaughter Tyfini started at EWU (Eastern Washington) this semester. Her mom is enjoying the peace and quiet and thinking that all that quiet and peacefulness may not be all it's cracked up to be. It's a bit of an adjustment going from a high school senior with all her friends to an empty house (nest?) with just the dogs to keep her company. Tyfini did come home for a Halloween party last weekend, but it is a 6 hour drive, a long drive for a short weekend.
Grandson Eric became a teenager last month. Need I say more?
Friday, September 26, 2008
A "Grand" Friday
It's a good thing to get the blood will help for my apheresis donation this afternoon. I'm closing in on 27 gallons of the good stuff donated. Lately they've been taking triple doses. It makes the hour plus with a needle in my arm take about 15 to 20 minutes longer. The arm gets a little sorer and worse, it puts me right in the heart of Friday rush hour traffic trying to get out of downtown back to the 'burbs. All for a good cause though.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
We bbq'd steak for dinner earlier. A tasty end to the latest shutdown week. I've been off all week and we've been busy. We put the house up for sale several weeks ago and this week fell into our laps as the time to repaint. We did quite well actually, it only took four days. P did the lower part, I spent most of my time up on the ladder. It was a lot of work, long days, a lot of sore muscles but it was all well worth it. The place looks good.
It's been a while since I've posted here. I thought I'd carved out a time in my week for writing but apparently not yet. I guess it's like I took the summer off, right? I'll have to work on finding a time and working it into my routine. Just like it turns out now that any day I don't go in to work for a Amat I "get" to take the boys for a walk right after we finish breakfast, before the rest of the world is ready for their day. They're going to be disappointed come Monday.
Me too.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
The dogs went for a short walk this morning, early this morning. It was already 80 by 8:30 when we finished. Bailey had a vet appointment to get some lumps on his chest and stomach (benign fatty masses) and a couple of hot spots looked at. The best we can figure the pollen level has gotten to the level where he itches. He's got some antibiotic and antihistimine to try to keep things under control. The vet wanted him to wear a lamp shade to keep him from scratching his neck. Ain't gonna happen! Especially with Shakespeare sticking his nose in everywhere.
R and I spent last weekend in Shady Cove, a couple of days fishing on the Rogue River. We (I) only caught one fish on the second day. The guide had caught 11 fish the three days before we got there, only one the two days we were there, none on Monday and then 5 on Tuesday. Poor timing on our part...
Heres what we got, about 15 lbs worth.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Empty Nests

She leaves for a week in Mexico on Tuesday with other members of her senior class, her mom’s going too as one of the chaperones. Tyf will be working for her dad this summer before going to Easter Washington University in the fall. Yup, it was a major milestone for her last night. Tabetha has the rest of the summer to get ready for her baby leaving the nest. A nest that she will be proud to tell you, that she (and the bank) now owns! They’ve had a lease with an option to buy for the past year plus. Tab has been struggling with scraping together a down payment, all the details of getting a loan, and dealing with all the paperwork. She was able to qualify for some sort of a grant program to help single mothers purchase their own homes. So, she is the proud owner of her own home now and up to her eyeballs in debt.
Friday and yesterday were beautiful, weather-wise. We finally got some sunshine and temperatures in the 70’s for the first time this month. We worked around the house and garage, cleaning and tossing stuff. I made two trips to the Goodwill with the back of the truck full of the past 23 years accumulations cleverly disguised as next years tax deductions. I was able to get after the out of control bush next to the drive way that tries to get in the car every time we go anywhere. I had to get the stepladder out to trim the top of it. It was taller than the garage roof! I was wearing a hat and a long sleeved shirt but I got plenty of sun on my face, neck and ears. I seem to be radiating heat this morning, especially from my ears. I’m sure I won’t be the only one with a sunburn at work tomorrow. It didn’t help that Tyfini’s graduation ceremony was out doors and we were facing the sun the whole time. I got an extra dose of vitamin D just for good measure. This morning it’s kind of overcast but it’s suppose to burn off and be another sunny, 70 degree day. The forecast calls for the temperature to drop down to the 60’s again by Tuesday with clouds and possible showers. That’s Oregon weather for ya!
It will be a short work week for me. R and I will be leaving on Friday for southern Oregon and a couple of days fishing on the Rogue River. Last year we caught three salmon. R called the guide late last week to make sure everything was in order. He was told that the spring run was making it’s way up the river, the fishing was fine. We hope the conditions are just as good when we get there next weekend.
The mama robin has been busy this week. This is how you know something’s going on:
I got up on the stool to see if I could find the culprets

I went around the other side and got this picture. It looks like there are four beaks poking out of the nest.

The chicks seem to have lost their baby feathers already. This nest should be empty in a week or so too.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Almost Summer?
We’ll miss the parade this year. (We’ll have our own parade around the neighborhood with the dogs this morning.) We have a bit of cleaning to do. Scott moved out of his room here last week. We have a spare bedroom again! We have a lot of vacuuming, washing and dusting to do. I have a ceiling fan to install now that I have room to move around there. We’re “discussing” how we will use that space now: sewing, crafts, exercise. There are lots of possibilities. More discussion is required…
I talked about the nest under the deck being used again this year, well last week I peeked through the boards in the deck and this is what I saw:
R and Gabby were over yesterday and when I went to show him the eggs, this is what we saw:
You can see bits of feathers and flesh down there now. The eggs have hatched, but it’s hard to see. The mama wasn’t too far away giving us a piece of her mind, telling us to move along!
We won’t be using the deck for a couple of weeks, or at least until we see some baby robins testing their wings.
And speaking of testing wings, Tyfini graduates from high school next Saturday. A major milestone! She's going on the senior trip to Mexico afterwards. Tab will be going along to help "chaperon" the group. Sounds like a fun time. Tyfini is going on to college in the fall at Eastern Washington University, outside Spokane, close to the Idaho border. Just far enough away that you don't just drive home on a whim, like, say, when you're out of clean clothes and need your laundry done...
Sunday, June 01, 2008
The dogs have had a good week: they got walks every day but one (that would be the day I took a nap instead). A lot of flowers are blooming all over the neighborhood. There are a number of places where the fragrance from the flowers hangs like a mist over the area. It smells wonderful walking through them. Here are a couple of pictures I took with my phone. I managed to get the dogs to quit pulling on the leashes for a few seconds so I could take them. I have to start taking the camera with me. The quality just of the phone camera doesn’t do justice to the beauty of the flowers.

So, it's back to work tomorrow. The dogs will be bummed.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Happy Memorial Day!
This is a shutdown week for me. I don’t go back to work until 2 June. The Solar and Flat Panel divisions of the company are very busy and not affected by the shutdown. A couple of our Mfg Engineers along with the buyer and planner are doing vendor visits for the Solar Division this week. They’re helping them ramp up to meet demand. A win-win situation for all involved. I don't have anything special planned for this week, just cleaning, straightening, yardwork (when it's not raining) and the like. We're thinking of taking in the IMax film about going down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon at OMSI. I think we've talked R into coming along. Despite living here all his life he's never been to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) and he's never seen an IMax film. I figure with the 360 degree view this is as close as we will get to rafting through the Grand Canyon with out getting wet.
Saturday, R came over with Gabby to help me take out the pool heater, pump/filter and the spa bubble blower. It wasn’t as difficult as we expected, it only took a couple of hours and one trip to the hardware store for a couple of pvc pipe caps.
And of course we couldn't do anything without proper supervision
We got scolded a couple of times by a mama robin who has taken up residence in one of the nests under the deck recently.
Here's the best I could do for a picture of a hummingbird at our new feeder. I had to use the extreme zoom on the camera and of course, the bird it using the feeder on the opposite side from where I was but you can see it's tail at least.The feeder is just outside the window to the computer room. Sometimes I'll be at the computer and they will hover in front of the window and I swear they are looking right at me trying to figure out what I'm doing. They are voracious eaters, I've had to refill the feeder four times in the couple of weeks since I put it up.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
hot, Hot, HOT!
This morning we went out to the car dealer we ordered the new truck from and got our old one back. It seems that the factory refused to accept the order for my new truck. They don’t have enough parts to build more 2008 Frontiers. They aren’t scheduled to build any more before they switch over to the 2009’s in September. I’m just SOL! So, we got the old truck back. It seems that it’s been sitting on the car lot for two months, just collecting dust, waiting for the deal for the new vehicle to get sorted out first. This is a bummer! I ordered what I wanted instead of settling for what they had. I didn’t really have a plan B. We are starting all over again, two months later, except we know we can’t get what we want! This will require some thought, some cogitation and some readjusting our expectations. Maybe we won’t get a truck, rather some other type of vehicle. P has been saying that she’d like a car with automatic transmission… Like I said, this will take a while to figure out what we are going to do.
I have one more week to the long Memorial Day weekend, and the shutdown week after it. We don’t have anything special planned, except to prepare for and have a Garage Sale at the end of the week We have been going through closets and cupboards already, but we will be going through the house, top to bottom. After 23+ years it is time for a lot of this stuff to go. Our plans call for moving to a smaller house in the future. It is time to downsize. What doesn’t go in the Garage Sale will go to the Goodwill. We hope to pull in a tidy sum from the sale and should have one heck of a charitable contribution deduction on our taxes next year. It’s all good, right?
It’s time to freshen my drink. We are celebrating Janet’s birthday this time. Seeing as she is many miles and several states away, this will have to suffice for now.
Happy Birthday Janet!
Sunday, May 04, 2008
It's been a quiet week...
Yesterday I took the boys for their walk first thing, got it out of the way. They BUG me when they realize I’m not going to work, follow me around everywhere, watching my every move. “Not going to work, Dad? Good! Take us for a walk, NOW!!” The weather was cool but nice in what little sunshine there was. I waited until after 10 to start in on the lawns. Scooping poop, pulling dandelions, trimming with the weed wacker and actually mowing the lawns, it turns into a big production. The sky was turning very dark by the time I finished and sure enough, it started sprinkling when I was having lunch half an hour later.
I packed up the boys around two and drove to the other side of town, through half a dozen rain showers, to R’s. Gabby and Shakespeare started in with the playing and rough-housing right away. Bailey tried to stay out of the way until they calmed down some. R fed me drinks and dinner. He’d put up a hummingbird feeder right out side the door to his deck several days ago. He gets a lot of activity. The dogs going in and out and chasing each other all over the backyard must of spooked the hummingbirds, but we did see a number of them before the day was over, pretty cool. It’s surprising all the different colors they have. R told me the feeders are on sale, now that he’s already bought his, and I picked one up. I just have to figure out the best place to hang it so we can see it and can get to it easily. R says he has to refill his feeder every three or four days, a cup and a half of sugar water at a time. They’re thirsty little birds.

P called me while I was on my walk with the dogs this morning. Two leashes, the kind that extends out to 16 feet, listening to my ipod when my phone buzzes in my pocket. I was able to pause the ipod and answer it in time. I had two leashes in one hand and the phone in the other with the ear bud handing down, swinging all over the place as we walked down the street. It was a little awkward especially when the leashes got tangled and the dogs trying to go in different directions. I had to tell P to hold on a couple of times while I sorted the dogs, the leashes and the lamppost out. Obviously I should have had my Bluetooth hands free ear piece on like you see so many people wearing these days. Maybe next time… P and DJ are on the road, taking the long way home. They were outside Sacramento when P called, on their way to the coast. They’re going to see a lighthouse tomorrow and then head north towards Portland. They won’t get back until Tuesday afternoon. We’ll sure be glad to see them back home again!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Another year gone by
Yesterday was very nice too. I got a chance to mow the lawns and work in the yard a bit after we did our running around. R brought Gabby over and DJ came up from the coast in the afternoon for drinks and dinner. The Shakespeare and Gabby played and rough-housed all afternoon, used up some of their seemingly endless energy. I didn’t bbq but we spent some time out on the deck. The maple tree is working hard on growing it’s leaves! It will be very nice later in the summer when it really gets warm.
The nest in the eave, just out side the computer room is full. Every morning I hear the babies chirping their tiny lungs out when mom and dad come back with something to eat. Spring is in full force around here.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
This is Spring?
We packed and shipped a tool last week at work. Just in time, this is the last week of the quarter coming up. We have a few other items to take care of to wrap up, and then it’s on to the next one. The bar always gets move up each time: more, new, greater accomplishments are expected. It’s the corporate way, isn’t it - insatiable.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
And for those of you who are really into this sort of thing, here is a link to the Molecule of the Day web site, thanks to
Saturday, April 05, 2008
We had some very nice days this week, but it’s grey, cool and raining off and on this weekend. I caught a break this morning: it didn’t rain while I was out walking with the dogs. It was a nice walk. The blossoms on the trees create clouds of fragrant air to walk through. Of course, the dogs were more interested in other smells.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
It has been quiet at work, many people taking time off to supervise their children during the break. It's nice to have the more relaxed atmosphere for a while, a chance to concentrate for longer stretches on tasks you might not normally get to. I have windows right out side my cube so I have seen the snow these past several days. Thursday we even had dark cloud pass over and drop hail a little smaller than pea size for about five minutes or so. We could see it collecting on the lawn and roadway but it was gone ten minutes after the cloud moved on. The air may be quite cold but the ground is well above freezing. There is no chance that any snow or ice that makes it to our level (263 feet above sea level) is going to stick around for long.
So, the cold front is suppose to move on to the east early next week. It will warm up to the 50's but continue to rain for as long as the weathermen care to forecast. Last Saturday was a beautiful day, sunshiny and warm (50's). I had to mow the lawn as parts of it were starting to get out of hand. The cold seems to have pushed it back to the dormant stage, it hasn't growm much since then, thank goodness. Plenty of other things to do besides that.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Spring Cleaning!
The Spring Chinook Salmon season starts Monday on the Columbia River, for TWO weeks. That gives you some indication on how bad the runs are. The poor conditions for the past several years in a row are having a big impact on the number of fish returning this year, which in turn will affect the runs several years from now. It’s a viscous circle. Next week is Spring Break around here, so there are already a number of people taking off work. I expect that more than a few of them will find time to go down to the river and “wet a line”. R is still recovering from his surgery and is not suppose to lift more than 10 lbs which means he can’t take his boat out. He still has a couple of weeks before the tube comes out. Just thinking about that gives me the willies.
We are planning to do some(more) spring cleaning this weekend. There is a garage sale in our near future. The question is becoming where to stage the stuff for the garage sale while we clean up everything else. We recently received a large recycle bin from the garbage company. It couldn’t have come at a better time. We’ve been filling it with the years of stuff saved in the filing cabinet: manuals and paper work for toasters and lawn mowers and VHS players and old computers and what all that broke or was donated to some good cause years ago. We’ve been running the paper shredder a lot too. The ultimate purpose of all this is to clean out so we can downsize. This house is a lot of room for the two of us. There is just too much room for the dogs to mess up, that we have to constantly clean up. The cleaning up won’t change, it just would be nice if it was contained to a smaller area. I know, I know… good luck with that!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Spring Cleaning?
The experts have closed the commercial salmon season from Washington all the way to California. A combination of circumstances over the past several years has reduced the salmon runs to very low numbers. The cost of salmon it going to go sky high. I’m not sure exactly what the effect will be on the sport fishing season. I’m sure R has his finger on that pulse, and he can’t be happy about it. I think they’ve stopped salmon fishing in the Willamette and severely restricted catching native salmon in the lower Columbia. I’m not sure what the limits are for hatchery salmon. I’m sure we’ll find out soon.
It’s time to get on with the events of the day. Hopefully I can get the dog’s walk in before the rains start today. It has been grey and raining off and on all week. With luck this little dry spell will hold until we get done. There’s nothing like the smell of wet dog all day long.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
As Well As Can Be Expected
The doctor said his kidney looked like a stone quarry. Apparently R’s Crones Disease predisposes him to kidney stones. It’s been 20 years since he’s had problems with kidney stones but this may be the reason for his recent back pains. They made a larger hole than his nephrostomy, higher up his back with a sheath to protect it from the tools, camera, light and stones. Apparently a lot of bacteria get released when you break up kidney stones. “Blast scoop and scrape” is how the doctor described it. They got them all, including the big one blocking his ureter. A tube was inserted down the ureter, from kidney to bladder, to keep it open while it recovers from the trauma of breaking up and removing the stone. R will experience some pain and “discomfort” from the tube according to the doctors. It will have to come out in a couple of weeks and when it does, it won't be the same way it went in. They will be pulling it down, out through the bladder and subsequent male plumbing. R is NOT looking forward to that! At least they removed the nephrostomy. No more tubes sticking out of his back. R is looking forward to having all this done with and things back to normal so he can get back to being retired. And going fishing!
After the doctor talked to us I drove out to R’s house, in rush hour traffic, to feed Gabby. A little later I packed her up with her blankie and drove across town back home. She was real happy to see Shakespeare and Bailey when I unloaded her. Shakespeare was beside himself: someone to play with! It took a couple hours for them to calm down enough to even think about going to bed. We put her crate next to Shakespeare’s cage. Normally she sleeps on the bed with R, not an option with us.
Bailey got up before 5 this morning and then came into to see what Shakespeare and Gabby were up doing and wake everyone up. I think Bailey saw the memo on Daylight Savings Time but misread the date as today instead of tomorrow. At any rate, we’ve been up for hours. We aren’t doing anything except supervising the dogs today, making sure they don’t tear the place down with their rough-housing. We will take the dogs for a walk in the park when the forecasted sunshine chases the clouds and rain away this afternoon. I don't think Gabby gets a lot of walks, just a lot of running around in the backyard. She can follow the others. It won't take long to get the hang of it, I'm sure.
Wish us luck!
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Way To Go Royals!
The month of March is suppose to come in like a lion, go out like a lamb. Well yesterday we had some nice rain storms pass through the area, drenched us good. The weatherman said we might get some lightening and maybe even some hail. If so, it wasn't in our area. It actually cleared off in the afternoon and turned out to be a nice day. R and Gabby came over for a visit in the afternoon. Gabby and Shakespeare chased eachother to whole visit with short breaks for food, treats and naps. Bailey got in the action for a while but stayd on the sidelines and watched for the most part. It's hard to keep up with the energy of 11 month old dogs.
P changed the dressing on R's nephrostomy for the last time, his surgery is this Friday. He won't know exactly what time his surgery will be, morning or afternoon, until the day before. If it's in the afternoon we'll pick him up, take him to the hospital and wait for the results. If it's scheduled for the morning, P will go out the night before to take him first thing. I will take care of the morning routine around here and meet her at the hospital. The surgery is suppose to take up to four hours. They will go in throught the nephrostomy hole in his back, break up the stone, pull out the pieces and see what else needs to be done. Hopefully it will clear the ureter and his kidney will be able to function properly again. Once R is out of surgery and recovering, we will go back to his house to pick up Gabby. She's staying with us until R gets released from the hospital, up to four days depending on how quickly he recovers. It's going to be general mayhem around here until then! Wish us luck, all of us...
Monday, February 18, 2008
Presidents Day, 2008
Tab and Tyf stopped over Saturday to say hello, pick up birth certificates so they can get passports for trip to Mexico a little later in the year. And to show off their smiles:
Later on Saturday, R and Gabby came for a visit too. (A busy weekend...) R goes to the doctor tomorrow for a final pre op visit. Take care of the final details for his surgery in three weeks. He had P change the dressing on his nephrostomy. I got a picture of his external plumbing this time:
Looks a little sore from taking the old bandage off
Now, hold still, this won't hurt a bit....
All set, ready for another week or so.
Other than having to be careful, no sudden movements or twists of the torso, no lifting anything of consequence, he is just fine. No fishing for a while either. We've had a lot of rain and the rivers have been a bit swollen, but this weekend, with the nice weather (no rain and a bit of sunshine) would have been perfect to take the boat out just to make sure it still works. My boss, Eric, is an avid fisherman also, was thinking of taking his boat out and seeing if the sturgeon were hungry. I'm sure I'll get a full report if he did.
Well, the sun is shining, the fog is starting to burn off. Time to start planning the day. I think a bit of yard work is in order: trimming some bushes, raking out the flower beds, just generally getting ready for warmer weather. Naturally, the forecast calls for rain the rest of the week.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
While the unfortunate people in the Midwest are experiencing a typical mid-winter storm with lots of snow and sub-freezing temperatures made worse with biting winds I just wanted to let you know that I'm hearing the birds singing when I go out for my paper in the morning now. That started along with the nice weather we had last weekend: no rain, a little blue sky and temperatures that got all the way up to 50. The forecast calls for a little rain today and then cloudy but for the most part dry through the long Presidents Day weekend. I'm not so sure the groundhog was right when saw his shadow earlier this month. It's amazing what a couple of dry days can do for your disposition.
We visited R over the weekend to help with some technical problems he was having with his gadgets and change the dressing on his nephrostomy. He has a blockage keeping one of his kidneys from draining to his bladder. It relieves the pressure on the one kidney until his surgery early next month to remove the large stone blocking his ureter. He's waiting for the "Pro from Dover" to do the cutting. In the mean time he has a tube about the size of a straw sticking out of his back connecting to a little larger tube going down his leg. It's secured with some nifty surgeons knots on the tube and stitches to the skin around the hole in his back. R has adjusted to it pretty well. He's not in pain because of it, but he has to be careful and he's not suppose to lift anything of consequence. His other kidney is operating normally. He went in for some pre-op work last week. When asked for a urine sample he asked which kidney they wanted it from? That stopped them for a minute. They had to ask to find out - the "normal" one.
Now, if I could just figure out my taxes.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Crazy Weather
The weather report said rain/snow mix over night for the area. And this is whats out there waiting for me this morning:
Not much compared to what the rest of the country has experienced but for around here pretty exicting. Not something we get every year, so it is enough to cause major headaches for the adults and fun for the kids.
The forecast calls for temps in the 40's this afternoon, so we will undoubtably lose all of this but, the forecast also calls for more rain and below freezing temps over night so we may see somemore tomorrow!
Monday, January 21, 2008
It was nice and clear today, and cold. This is the fountain in our back yard.
Despite the cold, it didn't freeze all the way through because the water was still flowing after work this afternoon.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Go Packers!
It looked like they were having fun, playing in the snow.
Now, are they going to beat New York or Dallas for a chance to play New England in the Superbowl?
We are heading into a stretch of days were it isn't suppose to rain every day. Maybe the back yard will dry out some. You can clearly see the path the dogs take across the family room and up the stairs when they come in from outside. It wasn't too big of a problem with just Bailey, he doesn't like to get his feet dirty. Not so with Shakespeare. It doesn't matter what its like, grass, dirt, mud, puddles, he goes running straight through it. We have very clear evidence of how high he can put his paws.
Washing walls is becomming a regular task now, just like vacuuming.
Who Me?
I go to the dentist Wednesday to get one of my back teeth prepared for a crown. First major dental work in a long long time, maybe twenty years or so. I've been lucky I guess. The dentist always attributes it to the hard water and floride when I was growing up in the Mid-West. Whatever it is, I'm glad. I just hope it will be another twenty years to the next time.