Saturday, September 06, 2008


Sat on the deck and watched the sunset this evening. Quite nice, as the light fades from the pinks and oranges into twilight, the wind rustling the leaves. Its the eerie time when you can see most things but the shadows have things that only the dogs can see. Then to the streetlights and porch lights start shining in the your eyes as darkness falls in earnest.

We bbq'd steak for dinner earlier. A tasty end to the latest shutdown week. I've been off all week and we've been busy. We put the house up for sale several weeks ago and this week fell into our laps as the time to repaint. We did quite well actually, it only took four days. P did the lower part, I spent most of my time up on the ladder. It was a lot of work, long days, a lot of sore muscles but it was all well worth it. The place looks good.

It's been a while since I've posted here. I thought I'd carved out a time in my week for writing but apparently not yet. I guess it's like I took the summer off, right? I'll have to work on finding a time and working it into my routine. Just like it turns out now that any day I don't go in to work for a Amat I "get" to take the boys for a walk right after we finish breakfast, before the rest of the world is ready for their day. They're going to be disappointed come Monday.

Me too.

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