Sunday, March 18, 2018

Scars and next...

The dermatologist cut out the basal cell carcinoma on my shoulder and stitched it shut.
A week later one of the stitches broke. I worried about it for nearly a week putting bandages over it to keep it from snagging and unraveling even more. I called but was told to keep the original appointment the following week. I didn't have any problems with the incision opening up. I guess I heal fast. 

We were busy two weeks ago:
Monday               MRI Scan
Tuesday               PET Scan
Wednesday          Initial meeting with the Oncology Doctor re where we go from here: Opdivo (aka nivolumab) treatments every 2 weeks for a year.
Thursday             Met with the Oncology Case Manager about details – first infusion scheduled for 20th
Friday                  Call from the Oncologist - the PET scan showed some suspicious spots: 2 on my liver and 1 on my left kidney. Hyper-metabolic activity he called it…

Only one appointment last week. We met with the financial aid officer last week to see if we could get some relief from the $5k+ per treatment drug cost. Yes, we can. That eases some of the worry. 

My surgeon called late Friday afternoon. He wanted to let me know he was referring me to a Urologist to look at the mass on my left kidney. We talked a bit about the biopsy’s, how they’re performed, a little bit of what to expect but he wouldn’t speculate regarding what exactly the spots were: melanoma related, another type of cancer, benign masses or smudges on the scan. He's also ordering an ultra-sound of the rest of my lymph nodes in my arm pit. Then they will get checked every four months for changes.

So, now I'm just waiting for the first infusion treatment Tuesday. There is a long list of side effects. I've been speculating as to what to expect and what I will experience. This is not the best topic to be dwelling on at this time...

We have to drive up to Portland for the liver biopsy on the 27th. They'll use ultrasound to exactly locate the areas in question. Once again I can't eat or drink anything before hand. I've been told to expect a several hour recovery time while my liver stops bleeding. Hopefully I will be done before the afternoon rush hour because it will be P's turn to battle traffic for the several hour drive home.

Looks like I still have a lot of doctors and appointments in my future.

Don't ever turn your back on a surgeon, this may be the result!

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