Thursday, May 20, 2004

How many days to that long weekend?

Thursday afternoon, stuck away in my little room. Listening to the local classical station on my radio. No windows in this room. Looking out the door, over the cube wall that hides me from casual passers by, I can see the reflection of the sun on the hallway walls... when it shines. I've been working on the Self Appraisal portion of my performance review (due Monday). Tooting my own horn. While usually something I have no problem doing, in fact enjoy doing, it's difficult to do on demand. And especially about the work I've been doing. Now, don't get me wrong, I've been busy. But at what? I help out a lot of people with their little projects. How do you write that up to sound official for your boss to put in your review? Good Luck! Plays well with others? I should get credit just for maintaining the basket of candy. I'm sure the chocolate and sugar have helped out a lot of people. Given them that energy lift to make it to 5:00.

I'm bored.

Memorial Day coming up quick. The beginning of Summer. The Indy 500. I remember the multifamily cookouts in the backyard, running around with all the other kids in the neighberhood while all the parents sat around talking and fixing the meal. We would listen to the race on the radio. Mario Andretti, Al Unser, Andy Granitelli, Roger Penski, all the greats creating even more drama to the day. It was the one time of the year we made our own ice cream. All the kids had to take a turn at the old hand crank ice cream maker. Ice cubes, rock salt and the handle got harder and harder to turn until it was deemed done by my mother. It was the best in the world! A dish for desert in the early twilight with all the parents sitting around with a pleasant glow from the fresh air, the sunshine and the drinks, sated with more food than they should have eaten, feeling pleased with themselves and the world (this was the late 50's early 60's after all).

Yeah, it's a little different these days.

But I'm still looking forward to it!

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