Thursday, May 13, 2004


So, couple of days since the first post and nothing serious has happened. Perhaps a second post is in order. See if it really is ok.

I have another hemaphersis appointment at the Red Cross tomorrow afternoon. I'm up to 150 total units. Won't be long before I hit the magical 160 mark (20 gallons). Thats a lot of body fluids. And only once has it been for a specific person. All the rest of the time it has gone into the "general purpose" fund (slush fund?) I have to think about what movie I want to watch. The movie is the best part of the whole process. Last time I watched Babettes Feast. It's subtitled and the significant other doesn't have the patience for that. Good movie though! I usually scope out what everyone else is watching. It must be a case of the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. I've seen nearly all the movies they have so it become a case of what do I want to watch a second (or third or fourth) time? It doesn't take me long to identify movies I've seen already. A couple of scenes. It's interesting to see what choices different people make. Because there are 18 to 20 people watching movies or tv in the same room they are all wearing head phones. And as such, they are the only one watching the movie. It is what THEY want to watch. There was no negoitiating with any one, there was no compromise. How often does that happen? Where you get to choose the movie you want to see without having to even think about what someone else might want to watch. Not very often! At least in my life....

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