Friday, September 24, 2004

Fall is Officially Here

It's getting cooler. It's dark now when I get up in the mornings. I turn my headlights on for the drive to work. This morning a string of Canadian Geese, must have been 15 of them all in a row, flew over the house in a southwesterly direction with the occational honk while I was squeeging the dew off the truck windows. It was gray out, over cast with a bit of light fog. If I hadn't known fall had offically started on Wednesday, I would have sworn that it started today. This was the scene waiting for me when I arrived home this evening:

Last of the bloom on the flowers, dead leaves blowing up onto the porch already. And on clear nights, when the wind is blowing in our direction, we can hear the marching band practicing from the high school two miles away.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Where does the time go?

I didn't realize it had been so long since I wrote anything in here. I've been having such a good time doing???? What???? The little details of life, I guess.
Weather has cooled off, it has rained a bit, school has started, football has started: Troy's son, Eric, is playing football this season. Flag football but with pads and the whole nine yards. Learning the Vince Lombardi lesson, ya gotta play with the small pains! And Tabetha's daughter, Tyfini is in High School this year, and is a cheerleader!

School Spirit!!

They changed the laws regarding school zone speed limits recently, just in time for the start of the school year. It's 20 mph all day, every day, around grade schools. For middle and high school zones it's only during school hours, and they have flashing lights going, just in case you have trouble telling what time it is. No matter which way I go to and from work, I pass a school. Have to add that into the work travel time calculation....

Who would have thought, twenty some years ago today, that these people would end up like us?

We went back and forth about whether it was 22 or 23 years, and decided that regardless, it was a long time ago! A completely different time. What an "Adventure Extrodinaire" it's been. And no sign of letting up any time soon. Fasten your safety belts.....
In celebration we will brave the predicted rain on Saturday (this is Oregon, after all) and head downtown to see what sort of trouble we can cause.... We will end up at Hubers, Portlands oldest restaurant for a Spanish Coffee or two. A good time will be had by all.

A note on house keeping: should you see a misspelled word or feel the need to tell me exactly how you feel about something I've written here, just click on the "Comment" at the end of any post, just after the "posted by docdroid @6:32 PM" Then click on "Post A Comment" and a box should appear. Just type in whatevers on your mind.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

What I saw on Mulberry Street

Bailey and I took a walk today. Later I went back and took some pictures of the wonderful show Ma Nature puts on this late in the summer. I'm not so sure Bailey appreciated the same things I did. His walk probably looked totally different from mine. I know it smelled different!

This looked like a path for the bees to follow through a garden: the yellow brick road, so to speak.

And at the end of that road:

They kind of look like daisys, but I'm not so sure they make daisys in any color except white.

It took a while to get the picture of this next one. It's on a very slender vine like stem. The slightest breeze sent it bouncing around.

I have know idea what this next flower is. I have never seen one like it before. I found it on a plant that was climbing over a fence, trying to seduce anyone walking along the sidewalk. Well, it got me!

Please let me know if you know what it is.

If you look closely you will be able to see two bees at work.

Well, it is the Labor Day Weekend....

Thursday, September 02, 2004

The Weekend in Review

It isn't good to start with an appology, is it? Well, here's my story.....

I've spent the last three evenings working on my truck. I went to drive it to work last Monday morning and the darn thing wouldn't start. Sounded like a dead battery. I even pushed it a bit, trying to start it by popping the clutch. I worked up a sweat and ended up parking it in front of the neighbors house. Monday evening I got it started by getting a jump from from another car. I drove it around to charge up the battery some. It hadn't been driven since last Thursday. I parked it in the drive way. I tried to start it again, just to make sure, and it wouldn't even turn over! @#$%^&***!!! Tuesday I worked on it to no avail. I thought I'd have to buy another battery because I had the jumper cables hooked up, charging it with the other car for quite a while and it didn't seem to be holding enough charge to turn the engine over more than once. Last night I got serious, bought some new battery terminal connectors and cleaned everything real well. After I got it all back together I tried it before going through the trouble of hooking up the jumper cables again. The darn thing started right up! It wasn't the battery, it was the connections to the battery! I'm glad thats fixed. There's nothing worse than not having reliable transportation.

So, back to the weekend at the coast. We had beautiful weather the whole time we were there. We were in little cottages overlooking a small parking lot for people using the beach. Our window faced almost due west. This was the view in the morning

This is how it looked in the evening

And that's exactly how it looked: a little blurry. The sun had been over the yardarm for some time by then.

P and I drove down the coast a bit Saturday, looking for some property a friend from work had just bought. We drove right along the coast. A lot of beautiful little bays and inlets. Eventually we found the his property. This is the view he will have when he builds his retirement home

I suppose you could get used to something like that.... after a number of years. It looks like a great place to watch storms hit the beach too. It's high enough and back far enough that he won't have to worry about the waves. Unless it's the big one.

We saw a lot of nice homes, but this one left us wondering: who would want a home with an 8' fence topped with barbed and razor wire? And why?

Are the natives really such bad characters to warrent razor wire?

And, being the beach, we saw some interesting, creative housing

We took a walk along the beach at low tide and met some of the local residents

They were just hanging out in and around the tide pools, waiting for the tide to come back in.

A good time was had by all.

Now, the Labor Day weekend is upon us. I do believe a BBQ is called for. And whatever else we do, it will involve the least amount of time on the highways as possible!