It isn't good to start with an appology, is it? Well, here's my story.....
I've spent the last three evenings working on my truck. I went to drive it to work last Monday morning and the darn thing wouldn't start. Sounded like a dead battery. I even pushed it a bit, trying to start it by popping the clutch. I worked up a sweat and ended up parking it in front of the neighbors house. Monday evening I got it started by getting a jump from from another car. I drove it around to charge up the battery some. It hadn't been driven since last Thursday. I parked it in the drive way. I tried to start it again, just to make sure, and it wouldn't even turn over! @#$%^&***!!! Tuesday I worked on it to no avail. I thought I'd have to buy another battery because I had the jumper cables hooked up, charging it with the other car for quite a while and it didn't seem to be holding enough charge to turn the engine over more than once. Last night I got serious, bought some new battery terminal connectors and cleaned everything real well. After I got it all back together I tried it before going through the trouble of hooking up the jumper cables again. The darn thing started right up! It wasn't the battery, it was the connections to the battery! I'm glad thats fixed. There's nothing worse than not having reliable transportation.
So, back to the weekend at the coast. We had beautiful weather the whole time we were there. We were in little cottages overlooking a small parking lot for people using the beach. Our window faced almost due west. This was the view in the morning
This is how it looked in the evening
And that's exactly how it looked: a little blurry. The sun had been over the
yardarm for some time by then.
P and I drove down the coast a bit Saturday, looking for some property a friend from work had just bought. We drove right along the coast. A lot of beautiful little bays and inlets. Eventually we found the his property. This is the view he will have when he builds his retirement home
I suppose you could get used to something like that.... after a number of years. It looks like a great place to watch storms hit the beach too. It's high enough and back far enough that he won't have to worry about the waves. Unless it's the
big one.
We saw a lot of nice homes, but this one left us wondering: who would want a home with an 8' fence topped with barbed and razor wire? And why?
Are the natives really such bad characters to warrent razor wire?
And, being the beach, we saw some interesting, creative housing
We took a walk along the beach at low tide and met some of the local residents
They were just hanging out in and around the tide pools, waiting for the tide to come back in.
A good time was had by all.
Now, the Labor Day weekend is upon us. I do believe a BBQ is called for. And whatever else we do, it will involve the least amount of time on the highways as possible!