Friday, September 24, 2004

Fall is Officially Here

It's getting cooler. It's dark now when I get up in the mornings. I turn my headlights on for the drive to work. This morning a string of Canadian Geese, must have been 15 of them all in a row, flew over the house in a southwesterly direction with the occational honk while I was squeeging the dew off the truck windows. It was gray out, over cast with a bit of light fog. If I hadn't known fall had offically started on Wednesday, I would have sworn that it started today. This was the scene waiting for me when I arrived home this evening:

Last of the bloom on the flowers, dead leaves blowing up onto the porch already. And on clear nights, when the wind is blowing in our direction, we can hear the marching band practicing from the high school two miles away.

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