Saturday, November 26, 2005

Black Friday plus one

Cool and crisp and damp out this morning. Just back from taking Bailey for his walk, or was he taking me for my walk?....   It rained yesterday and some last night. Temp is in the mid 30’s. No wind and the morning fog is being burned off early by the sun. No clouds this morning. It was cool out, especially in the shade, but nice in the sun. Steam rising off a lot of things that the sun was warming up:  roofs, fences, mailboxes, cars, even a few bushes. Kind of eerie watching steam rise off a bush. Kind of like it’s on fire.

We avoided the crowds yesterday, the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday. Today we’re going to stare danger right in the face and head downtown to Saturday Market, do a little shopping, stop for some refreshments at Hubers and do a lot of people watching. The best entertainment around.