Sunday, October 07, 2018

October Update

I'm  scheduled for surgery the first week of November. They will be removing my left kidney. The size, location and shape of the tumor make it less complicated and safer to remove the whole kidney. Less time to recover and heal afterwards too. So, I should be in good shape for Thanksgiving. That is assuming that I get my diabetes and blood glucose levels under control. I have been more aggressive with my insulin to keep the numbers down and also eating more to try to gain back some of the weight I've lost since June. We had to buy smaller pants to keep them from slipping off my hips whenever I walked across the room. It is a multifaceted problem. And then there are my eyes. I still have double vision looking to either side and cannot focus with both eyes to read or write. It's still a challenge to eat without spilling because I can't focus well on my food from the plate to my mouth. The dog now sits by my chair during meals. Hope springs eternal... and is often rewarded in his case.