Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Sunny days

We visited with T and her boyfriend last Sunday. They were finishing up brewing 5 gallons of beer when we arrived. I helped cap the last of the bottles. We sat out side for a while. I sat in the sun too long, over 20 minutes before P had me move into the shade. I paid for it later. My nose is starting to peel. And I discovered another problem with being a red-head besides fair skin: thinning hair. I'm working on a nice male pattern bald spot, just like the new Duke of Cambridge, but the hair on top is thinning to the point that I burned the scalp on the top of my head too. Very tender! I discovered that Monday morning in the shower. Now, that will be fun when it starts to peel...

We're suppose to get our 2nd 70+ degree day today. Smack dab in the middle of the work week. Figures.